WooCommerce Breadcrumb Elementor Widgets

WooCommerce Breadcrumb Elementor Widget

ABCBiz Image
ABCBiz Image

The PrimeKit WooCommerce Breadcrumb Widget improves your site’s navigation by displaying clear, easy-to-follow breadcrumbs on product pages. Breadcrumbs provide a visual trail for users, showing the path they’ve taken through the website, which improves user experience and helps with SEO. This widget allows you to add stylish breadcrumbs to any WooCommerce product page, enhancing navigation and reducing bounce rates by making it easy for users to find their way back to previous pages.

The widget is fully customizable, allowing you to adjust typography, color, separator icons, and more. Whether you’re running a small shop or a large ecommerce site, the WooCommerce Breadcrumb Widget will make navigating your store easier for customers.


Use Cases

Key Highlights